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Book Reviews and Recommended Reading

Albom, Mitch: Tuesdays with Morrie

Brampton, Sally: Shoot the Damn Dog: A Memoir of Depression

Fontana, David: The Language of Dreams

Frankl, Victor: Man's Search for Meaning

Glasser, William and Glasser, Carleen: Eight Lessons for a Happier Marriage

Gray, John: Men Are from Venus, Women Are from Mars

Gray, John: Why Venus and Mars Collide: Improving Relationships by Understanding How Men and Women Cope Differently with Stress

Lejeune, Chad: The Worry Trap

Lerner, Harriet: The Dance of Anger

Millar, Alice: The Drama of the Gifted Child

Pollack, David C. and Van Reken, Ruth E.: Third Culture Kids: The Experience of Growing up amongst Worlds
download PDF of review (127kb)

Sachs, Oliver: A Leg to Stand on

Sife, Wallace: The Loss of a Pet
download PDF of review (143kb)

Thorne, Brian: Person-Centred Counselling: Therapeutic and Spiritual Dimensions
download PDF of review (127kb)

Wilber, Ken: Grace and Grit

Yalom, Irvin D.: Love's Executioner

Yalom, Irvin D.: Momma and the Meaning of Life
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